The fact that you have a stoma does not mean that you don't want to have a specific type of body. In fact it seems the more people I talk to that have had an ostomy are in fact more in touch with their bodies and are really all about keeping them in shape and even though they have a stoma they are on top of dieting. There are always things to consider and pros and cons to all types of staying in shape. So when it comes to fruits and veggies sometimes it is really just best to try them out one at a time and make sure that they work for you. There are lots of different reasons why some won't be good for you and others will be great. One great area to go to for resources is actually the ostomy supplies website. It is pretty crazy that a company that sells products has such good advice but I am a big fan of the article writers on the website.
I even use the ostomy supplies gear as well, and am a big fan of the samples that are available. But the more important part for this article is that they have good diet advice for people with stomas. They are pretty good to talk to on the phone as well. So if you are new to the stoma world and have some questions, these companies that are online retailers and give lots of information actually have lots of good information to give. I have found this area of business to be less about selling and more about helping and I know that sounds counter intuitive.
So some of the things they will actually tell you to be aware of eating are some of the basic veggies you never thought to worry about before. Well that is broccoli and asparagus. If I really need to explain more than I am guessing you don't eat many veggies or are simply clueless. Well lets just say that you should be careful when you eat these because of the crazy smells that can come from them. Don't trust me? Just give it a try and you will see. But what is really more important is that you are eating healthy and staying safe doing it. So I do suggest talking with your healthcare provider on dieting with your stoma. You want to make sure there is nothing that is medically going on that will get in the way.
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